Healthy Choice Chicken Monterey, Roasted 11 oz

Chicken tenderloins in cheese sauce over brown rice pilaf, vegetables & peach multigrain crisp. 19 g protein. 21 g whole grain. 340 calories. Inspected for wholesomeness by US Department of Agriculture. Ingredients you need to eat well & live a balanced and healthy life! With Healthy Choice Complete Meals, you can choose from a wide variety of delicious options. Each meal is part of a nutritious diet and has many checks to healthy living. 7 grams of fiber. The serving of chicken in this meal is an excellent source of protein. Full serving of vegetables (This meal has 1/2 cup of vegetables. MyPyramid suggests 2-1/2 cups of vegetables per day for a 2,000-calorie diet). Real fruit dessert. 10% of daily grains; 20% of daily vegetables; 10% of daily fruit; 30% of daily meat. USDA Daily Recommended Amounts: 6 oz equivalent; 2-1/2 cups vegetables; 2 cups fruit; 5-1/2 oz equivalent meat + beans. One serving contains: 3/4 oz (10%) equivalent grains; 1/2 cup (20%) vegetables; 1/4 cup (10%) fruit; 1-3/4 oz (30%) equivalent meat + beans. Based on a 2000-calorie diet. Balance calories with physical activity. Weight Watchers Points = 7 (Weight Watchers and Points are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. The number of Points provided here was calculated by ConAgra Foods based on published Weight Watchers International, Inc., information and does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of such number of Points or of Healthy Choice products by Weight Watchers International, Inc. Diet Exchanges (Diet Exchanges are based on Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes, copyright 2008 by the American Diabetes Assoc., Inc. and the American Dietetic Assoc.) Per Serving: 1-1/2 starch; 1-1/2 carbohydrate; 2 lean meat; 1/2 fat.