Healthy Choice Soup, Fiesta Chicken 15 Oz
6 g of protein. 100 calories. 420 mg sodium per serving. Inspected for wholesomeness by US Department of Agriculture. USDA Daily Recommended Amounts: 2-1/2 cups vegetables, One Serving Contains: 1/4 cup, % Daily Amount: 10%. Weight Watchers Points = 2 per serving. Weight Watchers and Points are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. The number of Points provided here was calculated by ConAgra Foods based on published Weight Watchers International, Inc., information and does not imply sponsorship or endorsement of such number of Points or of Healthy Choice products by Weight Watchers International, Inc. Diet Exchanges Per Serving: 1 starch. Diet Exchanges are based on Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, copyright 2003 by the American Diabetes Assoc., Inc. and the American Dietetic Assoc.